Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring randomness

I have bad hair days too!
Who else wanted to spend February under the blankets with a SAD lamp on their nightstand? Blargh - I may have been born in the month, but I don't have to like it! Thankfully two things have happened since the beginning of March:

1. We have been blessed with wonderful spring weather. It seems quite early, but we're without snow, the sun is shining, the temperature is warm, the crocuses are blooming and I sure ain't complaining. I bundled up the Mogrunt and took him for his first ride on the swings last week. He isn't swinging fast enough to ruffle his hair. He's got crazy hat head in the photo.

2. The clocks have "sprung" ahead. Though this may not be a good thing for some (especially during those first few mornings) but I'm just so thankful for sunlight!

Let's see, in the Random File:

1. The Mogrunt started crawling on February 12 and hasn't stopped since. And he's fast. Really fast. Needless to say, it makes my days a little more hair raising than they once were:

Scene: Kitchen, Mommy doing dishes, Mogrunt playing with stacking rings at her feet.

Mommy looks down:

Mommy: "Hmmm, he was right here a second ago."

Mommy scans room for Mogrunt.

Mogrunt is helping with supper by getting the vermicelli out of the cupboard.

Here, Mom, I'll help
Too bad we were having fish that night.

2. I'm glad I didn't officially sign up for the Knitting Olympics. I had planned to sign up with the goal of knitting three pairs of socks: One pair for each member of my wee family. I did manage to get one pair of socks for myself done during the Olympics, but I am still working on the pair for Mr. Happy. The poor Mogrunt is going to have to wait. Uh, yeah, so Olympic Fail, but not, b/c I didn't set myself up for it. Yes, I am an apathetic athlete, is that such a bad thing in a world of overachievers? Someone has to be last!

3. We went to visit my BFF, R and her family during their March break (known to the rest of the world as Spring Break). It was a last minute trip, so I didn't tell anyone I was going. I hadn't seen my little "niece" since her birthday, so we were due for a visit. When I arrived, I walked into the house, took one look at AJ (R's daughter) and started to cry! "She's so big! I need to visit more often!"

We had a great time, lunching at Cora's, hanging with the kiddos, wrangling dogs, trying to have conversations over the din, posing the children for photos only to have a reluctant participant...

No more pictures!

4. I joined Twitter. I haven't been on there a lot in the last few days. But I'm there. If you want to look me up, I'm @mogrunt1. 'cause really, I'm the first Mogrunt, and the little man is Mogrunt2.

5. I've got this awful urge to plant things, in soil. It's the sunshine, it's gone straight to the happy centre in my brain. I went to Kent the other day and bought seeds. I've just got to get organized enough to plant them. I bought parsley and coriander, both of which I've been using quite a bit lately, as well as carrots, tomatoes, sunflowers, and morning glories. I can't wait. I'm a great gardener in the spring. In August, I'm usually apathetic. Here's hoping I can maintain my interest this year.

6. I sewed a fun little bag for a knitter baby's first birthday. Of course I forgot to take photos. If I hadn't put the baby's name on it, I would have kept it for myself.

7. Along with the urge to plant things, I've also got an urge to purge my house of unnecessary objects. We dropped a big bag of clothes at Big Brothers Big Sisters today. I'm also going through each room and putting things aside for a yard sale. My goal in the next year is to make purchases with care. I don't want to bring anything into our house that is going to end up in a donation bag next spring. Mr. Happy did a big clean up in the basement and we're slowing getting the garbage to the curb. I wish we could put it all out at once, but at the same time, we'd end up looking like freaks if we did!

8. I recently devoured Alan Bradley's, "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie". I want to be Flavia. It's a murder mystery with an 11-year-old precocious sleuth and I LOVE HER. (Please imagine me saying that with all the passion of an 11-year-old.) I lent the book to Ann so that I would have someone with whom to discuss the book. The second book, "The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag", is out now and I'm trying to control the urge to run out and buy it RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE! I haven't been this excited about a book series since "Portofino" by Frank Schaeffer.

Ok, that's all for now. I've stolen this time while Mr. Happy and the Mogrunt are dozing upstairs. I should finish tidying and head up there with them.

I can't resist, one more photo:

You've got something on your...

Even with a folded ear and Baby Mum Mums stuck to his face, you can understand why I'm not blogging very often.


  1. lovely update! It has been nice to see you around town. I just added Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie to my reading list.

  2. I love it. Had to put the next one on hold.

    Love it!

  3. Awww, sweet wee man! You DO have a good reason for not blogging, but I am glad you still do now and then, so we can see the little guy grow. He's so sweet (and helpfull too -- be glad he helped with the pasta, and not the fish!! ;)

  4. Serious, serious cuteness.

  5. Oh my gosh, getting so big and more and more adorable!! Love the swing photo. I am in the mood to dig in dirt and plant and clean, too!

  6. I loved The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie when I read it a few years ago. I'm so glad that you read it and expressed what I also felt while reading it.

    Book 2 is also good. I'm almost finished so I can probably pass it on to you this weekend or thereabouts.


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