Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Today was the kind of day that makes me feel like I haven't expended enough energy to warrant going to bed. Sure, I managed to get to work on time for a second day in a row... and I was really busy at work all day - except for the 1/2 hour it took the computer guy sitting at his desk in some other office, to fiddle around with my computer... The computer that is going to be REPLACED as soon as we uncrate the one that arrived AFTER the fiddling. Oh yes, we are very cost efficient. Bah!

I stopped at my LYS on the way home to swap some Lamb's pride I had bought. I ditched the Chianti in favour of Aubergine for my French Market bag. And now, I'm not so sure about it. I think it's the colour I chose for the base that is really upsetting me (yes, because yarn colours cause me great distress, yeesh): It's black. And I'm not really sure I wanted it to be black. But there will be no ripping back now, nosiree Bob! I'm already about 20 rows into the sides with 200 plain-Jane stocking stitches. This is definitely movie-theater knitting. Heck, I think I could knit this while sleeping. In fact, I think I did last night.

Ok, so, busy at work... swapped yarn...
Oh, I made stew when I got home. Man, that stuff takes a long time. In fact, I just went out to the kitchen to turn off the burner. Normally, we don't have beef in the house at all, unless, a cow stops by for tea, but that doesn't really happen all that often. Last month, however, Andrew and I were at the grocery store and decided that we should have stew, so I made stew (and failed dumplings; I'm still getting over this, please let's not talk about them). I think it was the cold weather and images of ourselves tucking into steaming bowls of hearty vegetables and beef that made us think it was a good idea. And it was. That one time. Then, a couple weeks ago, he came home with another package of stewing meat, which I threw in the freezer and tried to ignore. I'm not anti-beef b/c I think that the Supreme Ultimate Being is actually a cow and there will be dire consequences to pay in the afterlife for our carniverous tendencies, I just don't really like it, and cooking stew takes time. I'd rather take my chances with God being a Giant Chicken, because chicken is easier to cook!!

Sigh, so the stew is done. Andrew will be a happy carnivore. I will enjoy the parnsips. Mmmmmm parsnips.

Ok, despite all this, I still don't feel tired enough to go to bed. I think I'll sign off and head up to bed anyway. I've got that "How to be a Superhero" book that I'm reading. I must go do my Superhero exercises. J will be impressed when I show her my new superhero stances at work tomorrow.

(Big excitement - only 2 more sleeps until RJS comes for the weekend!)

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