Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Temporarily Unavailable...

I'm heading home in about 20 minutes and will hopefully be on the road for NB by about 5:30pm.
Some points about the drama that is "Me getting ready to go home."
  • I haven't packed.
  • Andrew hasn't packed.
  • I'm hungry and a little cranky right now.
  • I have to work in Moncton on the weekend. This is adding extra stress - I'll be away from my yarn for 4 nights. (Andrew will be home tomorrow night - he'll have to keep it company)
  • I will panic about what I'm taking with me and will undoubtedly worry that I've forgotten something.
  • I will forget something.
  • We will have to go back for that thing I forgot.
  • Andrew will sigh and roll his eyes but he'll turn the car around.
  • While I'm in the house, I'll remember something else I forgot (that will be my sunglasses).
  • I will have brought too much stuff with me.
  • Andrew is exhausted, so I hope he'll let me drive...
  • He'll insist that he is fine. I'll protest. A small black cloud will form in the car (that would be me). When we stop for gas, he'll let me drive.
  • I already feel like I need a coffee...
  • No, I need a Cafe Mocha from Starbucks.

We have to stop at Tangled Skeins to drop off some stitch markers. I spent my packing time last night making them because I was in avoidance mode... and I was doing laundry.

I'm worried about seeing my grandfather - I know he is more frail than when I saw him last, but I don't want to upset him by being emotional. I made this kind of trip several years ago when the lady who took care of me when I was little was in the hospital (she was my other mother - her name was Bessie, but I called her Bebe). I didn't know it then, but it would be the last time I saw her. She died about a week later.
I don't know if this will be the last time I see Gramps. I hope not. But we don't always get what we want or what we hope for, do we?
See you next week.


  1. Anonymous10:00 p.m.

    I'm sure you will make the most of your visit. Take care of yourself.

  2. Anonymous11:01 a.m.

    Oh man, you sound just like me! I am terrible with packing- packing sucks. Why is leaving for a trip always so stressful? And why do I pack so much crap?!

    Anyway, I hope you spend some good quality time with your Gramps...

  3. Anonymous12:18 p.m.

    Four days away from yarn is a lot. I think you need to pack at least three projects, and plan on visiting a yarn shop if at all possible. These steps will help to ease the pain.

    Have a good trip and all the best with your Gramps.


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