Monday, October 09, 2006

Busy busy busy

What a busy weekend.

On Saturday, Jen (a blogless fibre addict) and I helped Sheryl at Tangled Skeins to paint the kitchen in the shop. It was painted in horrible dark colours. Now, it looks like Neapolitan ice cream:

After the first coat

Pink and white paint on the walls with a brown countertop. It looks adorable. I'm excited to get the second coat on the room and then for Sheryl to decorate it with that Sheryl Flair!

All this work is partly in preparation for Debbie Bliss. *heads swivel around* Whazzat?

Yup, you read it right: Debbie Bliss is coming to Tangled Skeins on October 29th. She's doing a presentation and she's bringing samples of her designs for everyone to try on!!! I'm so excited about it! If you're interested in attending, you'll have to call the shop. Tickets are $65.

On Sunday we went to Mr. Happy's Sister's house for the big turkey dinner. We went for a walk on the railroad tracks before we ate:

Railroad tracks

We also played with Pippin, who got his hair cut:


He's so snorglicious.

There was lots of food for everyone:

Food cam!

There was even more dessert:


You'll notice that there is a chocolate cake in there - my youngest nephew's birthday was last Tuesday and his gramma's birthday was on Monday. So we had birthday cake, along with pumpkin pie and peach pie. We rolled away from the table and found various places to sit or lie down while we groaned about Holidays being just another reason to overeat.

Today, Mr. Happy and I woke up to the sun streaming through our window. We grabbed our shoes and headed out the door, intending to walk around downtown Dartmouth, and then head home. We walked through the Dartmouth Commons:

The park

Then down to the waterfront, where we spied the ferry. We had a couple of toonies in our pockets so we hopped on board.

Ferry knitting

We ended up strolling on the Halifax waterfront with coffee in hand. There are a couple of cruise ships in town this weekend, so the boardwalk was crawling with tourists.

Now, we're home. Mr. Happy is lounging on one sofa, I'm blogging from the other.

For lunch we had "Creamed Peas on Toast". It's something my mom used to make when we were kids. I make it about once every couple of years for Mr. Happy and I. I meant to take a photo of it, but I didn't have time as we snorfed it down pretty quickly. Does anyone else out there ever eat this?

Ok, the knitting basket is calling - I've got a serious case of startitis.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Fall Mums

Cari - I put a link on Toonie for you. I think the email address I have for you is wrong.


  1. I hear that about overeating. I get chills when I think of how much food I inhaled this weekend.

  2. Anonymous6:42 p.m.

    Oddly enough, creamed peas on toast came up yesterday at Thanksgiving dinner.

    I have never had it, but I have heard of it. Mind you from the sounds of it, I think a pic would be, um oogy.

    The flowers are much nicer. :P

  3. Not feeling the compulsion to overeat was definitely the best part of spending Thanksgiving alone down south. When I phoned my gramma's house to say hi to everybody, they all had their mouths full of pie. I thought, gee, it's nice that I have this excuse of being so far away and Gramma can't forcefeed me pie, and right then she said, oh it's too bad we can't send you a piece in the mail, your brother made lemon meringue! Gah.

    Creamed peas on toast sounds repulsive, as do all comforting foods we love because our moms made them for us in the seventies. I definitely need to see a picture.

  4. Crazy. My verification word that time was a roman numeral: 194!

  5. Missed Thanksgiving this year, we're in the US, where it isn't til November. And, of course, we'll be back in Canada for that one, so we're going to miss both chances at it!

    $65! Oh well, I hope that you can blog it for those of us who can't afford to go! I assume you're going? Maybe you can get a book signed for me?

  6. I was totally psyched until I saw $65. Don't think I'll be able to swing that. Now, if that was for the Harlot, I'd be all over it. Look forward to pics though.
    Creamed Peas on Toast. That's a new one. Frankly, I think I will leave it a mystery.

  7. Anonymous7:42 a.m.

    Goodness - if Debbie Bliss was, say $25, sure. Darn.

    I think I still have a turkey hangover. I still can't get over the amazing weather.

    Woo - TS looks great, Sheryl has an "eye", doesn't she?

    Jodi, I wonder if 194 (instead of 42) is the real meaning of life?

  8. Turrrrkkkkkeeeyyyyyy. We had our dinner last night (monday) and I was surprised that I actually wanted breakfast this morning. Does your SIL live near me? Those tracks look familiar.

    Save me a Debbie Bliss ticket!

  9. Anonymous10:15 a.m.

    Happy Thanksgiving... late. I've heard of beans on toast never creamed peas...Creamed peas is that like what the British call mushy peas?

  10. I stop by your blog every now and then, but I'm de-lurking because of your puppy photo. Is he a Wheaten terrier? He looks just like the Wheatie I had growing up. They're really sweet. :)

  11. Add me to the list of those first excited by Debbie Bliss' visit and then disappointed by the $65 price tag which makes the event unaffordable for me.
    Love the picture of you knitting on the ferry:)


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